Beginning Farmer Program

The average age of an Ohio farmer is 65 years old, which means land is going to start changing hands very soon.  However, the startup costs of agriculture can be quite high.  Highly productive farmland can sell for upwards of $10,000/acre and there are the high costs to operate the farm including, inputs, equipment, labor, etc. In an effort to bridge this gap the Ohio Department of Agriculture developed the Beginning Farmer Tax Credit Program to incentivize transferring assets to young farmers. House Bill 95, which was signed into law and enacted this year, helps  both those looking to get into the business of agriculture as well as those looking to retire from it via tax credits. It is ideally poised to assist retiring farmers with creating a legacy for the future by assisting with the costs of transferring land and equipment to beginning farmers looking to build a life in Ohio. This program will enable younger farmers to take advantage of the ideal environment that Ohio has to offer for agriculture. Additionally, it will ensure that Ohio can provide for local, state, national, and even global food needs for the foreseeable future. 



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